The story begins once was a man named Louis that taxes for the city of Texas was fast to the airport but the tickets were gone then became very upset and started yelling all lord of the box office as was possible he occupied quickly get to Texas and his wife named Linda and she said wait a minute controlled everything will be fine love There will be more tickets annoying said no let's go to Texas in the car but like in the car and left the airport to upset and climbed into his car with his wife and went for gas and took the road heading to Texas and was so upset that accelerated the car then the police stopped him and said hurry because lord and no answer yet that I needed to police stopped me because I have a job interview today and I have to wound with permission to whether I have to keep my course is well told the police but I have to make a fine and let me pay it back okay not so fast can cause clearly not an accident okey bye take care and have a good trip's wife thanked the police and were in the car had no more than 2 kilometers when a flat tire and were to collide with a fence where he had won and crashed into a Luis cow all scared then apologized to his wife so badly that he had behaved and all the damage he had caused and said he felt terrible that he loved and happy after what happened to them went home and Texas never again managed all disasters and went home happy ..
Reflection never walk so fast first assimilates what you want and then act
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